OnPath Credit Union

What Is a Credit Score?


A credit score, at its core, is a numerical representation of an individual's creditworthiness. In simpler terms, it’s the likelihood of them repaying borrowed money. Think of it as a financial report card, where lenders, landlords and sometimes even employers check your grade to determine your reliability.

The Mechanics Behind the Number

The exact formula for calculating a credit score can vary depending on the agency, but most scores range between 300 and 850. Several key factors influence this number:

Payment History (35%): This is the record of your payments on loans and credit cards. Do you consistently pay on time or do you have a history of missed or late payments? Payment history is the most substantial factor affecting your score because past behavior is often viewed as a predictor of future actions.

Credit Utilization (30%): This represents the ratio of your current credit card balances to your credit limits. If you're using a high percentage of your available credit, this can indicate potential financial strain and lower your score.

Length of Credit History (15%): Lenders want to see a long history of responsible credit use. This factor accounts for how long your credit accounts have been active and the age of your oldest and newest account.

Types of Credit in Use (10%): A diverse mix of credit types, such as credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans and mortgages, can positively influence your score, as it shows you can manage different types of credit.

New Credit (10%): Opening several new credit accounts in a short period can signal risk to lenders, especially if you don’t have a long credit history. This factor considers the number of recently opened accounts and the number of recent inquiries into your report.

Why Does a Credit Score Matter?

Many people don’t realize how far-reaching a credit score’s impact can be. It’s common knowledge that a credit score influences your ability to get loan approval and the rates and terms for which you qualify, but what’s less understood are the other facets of life that it can influence. 

Loan Approvals and Interest Rates: Lenders use credit scores to evaluate the risk of lending money or providing credit. A higher credit score can increase the chances of loan approval and secure better interest rates, potentially saving thousands over the life of a loan.

Renting a Home or Apartment: Landlords often check potential tenants' credit scores. A poor credit score can limit housing options or result in higher security deposits.

Employment Opportunities: Some employers review credit reports during the hiring process, especially for positions that handle money or sensitive information. While they won't see the score itself, negative items on your credit report could influence their decision.

Insurance Premiums: Some insurance companies use credit information to determine premiums for auto and homeowners insurance.

Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Pay Bills on Time: This can't be stressed enough. On-time payments are a significant factor in determining your score.

Reduce Outstanding Debt: Lower your credit card balances and avoid moving debt around. Instead, focus on genuinely reducing your debt.

Limit New Credit Applications: Only apply for credit when necessary. Numerous inquiries in a short period can decrease your score.

Check for Errors: Ensure there are no errors or discrepancies on your credit report. If you find any, dispute them immediately.

Seek Professional Help: If you're overwhelmed, consider credit counseling. A counselor can offer advice and help devise a plan to improve your financial situation.

Learn How to Improve or Repair Your Credit Score in New Orleans

A credit score is more than just a number; it's a reflection of your financial habits. Understanding its significance and the factors influencing it is the first step to better financial health. By making informed decisions and taking proactive measures, you can harness the power of your credit score to unlock numerous opportunities and benefits.

The team at OnPath Federal Credit Union understand how frustrating a bad credit score can be, and we’re proud to provide our members with tools and opportunities that can help them repair their credit score. Learn more about our services and the benefits of membership by calling us at 800.749.6193.